According to Piskurich (2015), the basics of instructional design can be understood as a process for helping to create effective training in an efficient manner (p. 1). In more specific terms instructional design is a set of rules and procedures for creating training that accomplishes the intended goal (p. 3). Furthermore, there are different instructional design models aimed at asking the right questions, making the right decisions, and producing a useful and reliable product.
Instructional design models
There are many different data collection methods that can be utilized by a designer in order to address these three questions. These data collection methods include people items, minning the literature, and document recovery. Instructional designers can even perform different types of analysis like task analysis, job analysis, or learner anaylysis.The decisions made regarding data collection methods and types of analysis choosen depend on factors like the topic or need of the project, environment, and the type of training that is being considered.
In this phase the designer envisions a product incorporating their understanding of the information collected in the analysis phase. Essentially, the design phase focuses on framing a blueprint to follow in the creation of the product. Decisions that are made duing this phase may include
Well-written objectives are an essential foundation for good instructional design. Bloom's taxonomy, which was developed in 1956 (revised in 2001), is a heirarchal model that identifies different levels of intellectual behavior. It is essential that learning objectives are framed as oberservable measurable outcomes. This highlights that it is important that learning objective statements contain a verb (an action). Bloom's revised taxonomy provides a way for instructional designers to frame learning objectives that are observable and measurable. The different levels contain different verbs that apply to that cognitive process.
The goal of this phase involves the designer developing a package of effective training (Piskurich, p. 203). This package revolves around helping the trainees master the objectives developed in the design phase. How a designer will address this goal depends on the type of delivery system choosen. Although the decisions made during this phase are dependent on the delivery system choosen, this phase should include
The designer can develop
In this phase implementation practices include beta tests and pilots. These two processes are used to check the viability of the course before it is actually implemented (Piskurich, 263). The designer or project manager will also review all materials and learning application or website to ensure these are all functioning. The processes conducted in this phase enables the designer to make revisions in order to improve the quality and effectiveness of the course.
This phase centers on the designer evaluating whether the training designed was effective.This is accomplished through either a formative or summative evaluation. A formative evaluation is conducted during the development and implmentation of a course. A summative evalutaion is conducted at the end of an instructional unit.
Dick and Carey Model
The Dick and Carey model, which is another popular and influential instructional design model, expands upon the core elements of the ADDIE process.
1. Identify instructional goals
2. Conduct instructional analysis
3. Identify entry behaviors and learner characteristics
4. Write performance objective
5. Develop criterion-referenced test items
6. Develop instructional strategy
7. Develop and select instructional materials
8. Develop and conduct formative evaluation
9. Develop and conduct summative evaluation
Courses and sample work
ETEC 544: Design and Development of Instructional Materials
The ETEC 544 course has enabled me to understand the different aspects concerning the concept of instructional design. Also, I was able to better grasp the impact that learning theory has on the field of instructional design. I learned about the instructional design model ADDIE. The project for this course enabled me to experience how to implement the different phases of ADDIE.
As someone who wants to pursue a teaching career I found the content learned in this course to be valuable for my future career in education. I have learned that instructional design models coupled with learning theory can contribute to effective and efficient learning and instruction. Effective instruction and teaching is something that I am interested in trying to accomplish as a future teacher. Ultimately, this course has provided me with the knowledge and the aspects of using the ADDIE model to design effectice instruction.
ETEC 541: E-Learning Design and Development
This course gave me the opportunity to put the ADDIE process into action by designing an e-Learning course. During the quarter I experienced the powerful nature of the cyclical and evaluating element of the ADDIE process. As the course progressed I continuously evaluated and revised each step in the design process to ensure I was making the most effective decisions regarding my e-Learning course. E-learning is becoming a prevalent form of learning in the educational sector. By taking this course I have acquired a useful understanding of how to structure and design learning materials in an online environment.
I designed a small three module course that centered on an introduction to basic grammar for third grade students. I decided to make this a blended learning approach in which students would use an LMS to access the learning materials. Face to face classes would be used to apply what they learned through games and activities.
Course walk through:
ETEC 648: E-Learning Delivery and Assessment
This course enabled me to deliver an eLearning project I designed. My project for this course focused on delivering a basic formatting and typing lesson for 5th grade students. This course was especially valuable in that I was able to assess student learning, as well as evaluate my lesson. It is important in an eLearning environment to effectively assess student learning along with evaluating an eLearning course.